Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcome to Pauline's blog.

Thanks for entering my blog site. This site gives me an opportunity to showcase my art.

At the moment I'm putting together a collection of local historical paintings concerning the Warkworth Ranch Horse Club and its members. The gentleman above is the president of the WRHC. The painting is acrylic on canvas and is called "Warkworth Ranchhorse Chattin". I enjoy painting monochromatic (single colour) as it gives the painting an aged look very much like a sepia photograph.

I do use different mediums, pencil, acrylic and pastel. Most of my subjects are pets that people commission to give as presents. I tend not to exhibit so most of my commissions are through word of mouth.

I enjoy animal art especially painting and drawing horses, my husband and I each have a horse, mine is an appaloosa/quarter horse who is western trained and my husband has a beautiful 3/4 Clydesdale which he rides in the local forest.

I have just completed this portrait which is acrylic on canvas. I originaly took the photo at Warkworth's 2010 A&P show, she was waiting her turn to enter the arena to compete in the western competion. The paintiing is called Warkworth Woman Waiting (for the moment that is). 60cm x 47cm.
I first did a trial pastel drawing of her on black paper and was pleased with the outcome, once confident with my style I decided to transfer my effort onto canvas.

I painted "Buckaroo" a couple of years a ago, it's a monochromatic acrylic on canvas, 90cm x 60cm. It was painted from a photogrph in the National Geographic and hangs on my wall.

This is the latest addition to the Warkworth series, it's a monochromatic acrylic on canvas called "Warkworth Watching". I took the photo of the boy on his Appaloosa horse, he was waiting his turn to enter the ring at a Warkworth Ranch Horse club day. I had to put the painting away for nearly a year before I could find inspiration to finish it. Rather than have just a plain background I wanted to place him looking at a string of cattle with hills in the background, but I couldn't quite envision it so away it went until I found inspiration in a black and white photo.

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